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Galagos | Galago, Galagoides, & Otolemur


Dusky Bushbaby | Galago matschiei

Prince Demidoff's Galago | Galagoides demidovii 

Thick-tailed Greater Galago | O. crassicaudatus


Lorisid | Perodicticus


East African Potto | P. ibeanus


Baboon | Papio


Olive Baboon | P. anubis


Mangabey | Lophocebus


Johnston's Mangabey | L. johnstoni


African Green Monkey | Chlorocebus


Vervet | C. pygerythrus


Guenons | Allochrocebus & Cercopithecus


L'Hoest's Monkey | A. lhoesti

Red-tailed Monkey | C. ascanius

Silver Monkey | C. dogetti


Colobus Monkey | Colobus


Angolan Black-&-white Colobus | C. angolensis





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