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Democratic Republic of Congo




Galagos | Euoticus, Galago, Galagoides, & Otolemur


Southern Needle-clawed Galago | E. elegantulus

Dusky Bushbaby | Galago matschiei

Southern Lesser Bushbaby | Galago moholi

Prince Demidoff's Galago | Galagoides demidovii 

Thomas' Dwarf Galago | Galagoides thomasi 

Thick-tailed Greater Galago | O. crassicaudatus


Lorisids | Perodicticus


Milne-Edwards' Potto | P. edwardsi

East African Potto | P. ibeanus


Mangabeys | Cercocebus & Lophocebus


Agile Mangabey | C. agilis

Golden-bellied Mangabey | C. chrysogaster 

Northern Black Crested Mangabey | L. aterrimus

Johnston's Mangabey | L. johnstoni

Southern Black Crested Mangabey | L. opdenboschi


Baboons | Papio


Olive Baboon | P. anubis

Kinda Baboon | P. kindae


Allen's Swamp Monkey | Allenopithecus


Allen's Swamp Monkey | A. nigroviridis


Talapoin | Miopithecus


Southern Talapoin | M. talapoin


Patas Monkey | Erythrocebus


Patas Monkey | E. patas


African Green Monkeys | Chlorocebus


Malbrouck Monkey | C. cynosuros

Tantalus Monkey | C. tantalus


Guenons | Allochrocebus & Cercopithecus


L'Hoest's Monkey | A. lhoesti

Red-tailed Monkey | C. ascanius

Dent's Monkey | C. denti 

Silver Monkey | C. dogetti

Dryas Monkey | C. dryas

Owl-faced Monkey | C. hamlyni

Virungas Golden Monkey | C. kandti

Lesula | C. lomamiensis 

Blue Monkey | C. mitis

De Brazza's Monkey | C. neglectus

Greater Spot-nosed Monkey | C. nictitans

Crowned Monkey | C. pogonias

Wolf's Monkey | C. wolfi


Colobus Monkeys | Colobus & Piliocolobus


Angolan Black-&-white Colobus | C. angolensis

Mantled Guereza | C. guereza

Foa's Red Colobus | P. foai

Lang's Red Colobus | P. langi

Oustalet's Red Colobus | P. oustaleti

Lomami Red Colobus | P. parmentieri

Semliki Red Colobus | P. semliki

Tshuapa Red Colobus | P. tholloni


Great Apes | Gorilla & Pan


Mountain Gorilla | G. beringei beringei

Bonobo | P. paniscus

Common Chimpanzee | P. troglodytes


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