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Galago | Galagoides


Thomas' Dwarf Galago | G. thomasi 


Lorisid | Perodicticus


West African Potto | P. potto


Baboon | Papio


Olive Baboon | P. anubis


Mangabey | Cercocebus


White-naped Mangabey | C. lunulatus


African Green Monkeys | Chlorocebus


Green Monkey | C. sabaeus

Tantalus Monkey | C. tantalus


Guenons | Cercopithecus


Lowe's Monkey | C. lowei 

Mona Monkey | C. mona 

Lesser Spot-nosed Monkey | C. petaurista

Roloway Monkey | C. roloway


Colobus Monkeys | Colobus & Procolobus


Ursine Colobus | C. vellerosus

Olive Colobus | P. verus


Great Ape | Pan


Common Chimpanzee | P. troglodytes




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