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Galagos | Galago, Galagoides, & Otolemur


Somali Lesser Bushbaby | Galago gallarum 

Northern Lesser Bushbaby | Galago senegalensis 

Kenya Coast Galago | Galagoides cocos

Uluguru Galago | Galagoides orinus 

Thick-tailed Greater Galago | O. crassicaudatus

Northern Greater Galago | O. garnettii


Lorisids | Perodicticus


East African Potto | P. ibeanus

West African Potto | P. potto


Mangabey | Cercocebus


Tana River Mangabey | C. galeritus


Baboons | Papio


Olive Baboon | P. anubis

Yellow Baboon | P. cynocephalus


Patas Monkey | Erythrocebus


Patas Monkey | E. patas


African Green Monkeys | Chlorocebus


Vervet | C. pygerythrus 

Tantalus Monkey | C. tantalus


Guenons | Cercopithecus


Sykes' Monkey | C. albogularis 

Red-tailed Monkey | C. ascanius

Blue Monkey | C. mitis

De Brazza's Monkey | C. neglectus


Colobus Monkeys | Colobus & Piliocolobus


Angolan Black-&-white Colobus | C. angolensis

Mantled Guereza | C. guereza

Tana River Red Colobus | P. rufomitratus






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