Primate Watching

Loris tardigradus | Slender Loris | Unahapuluwa
Good spot: Polonnaruwa Palace
Sri Lanka
Seeing this Species
The Bradt Guide 100 Animals to See Before They Die (2007) offers this information:
"Easiest to see in the dry scrub forests of the North, including at ruins such as Polonnaruwa Palace. Use an infrared light as regular torches disrupt natural behavior."
Probability of Success: ?
Overlapping species:
Local contacts:
Other sites:
More information: The Loris Conservation Database
Garbutt, Nick and Mick Unwin. 2007. 100 Animals to See Before They Die. Bradt Guides: Bucks, England.
Fitzinger, Leopold Josef. Wissenschaftlich-populäre Naturgeschichte der Säugethiere in ihren sämmtlichen Hauptformen : Nebst einer Einleitung in die Naturgeschichte überhaupt und in die Lehre von den Thieren insbesondere. 1860. Public Domain.
Accessed via The Nash Collection of Primates in Art and IllustrationPrimate Center Library: Arts Collection. Local identifier: PCLArts.PCLA3133.bib
Page Last Updated: 2 February 2014