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Nomascus concolor | Black-crested Gibbon | 黑冠长臂猿


Decent spot: Xiaobahe, Mt. Wuliang, China






Occurrence: China, Laos, Vietnam




Seeing this Species


Xiaobahe, Mt. Wuliang, China




Probability of Success: low


Overlapping species: Pharye's Leaf Monkey, Rhesus Macaque, Stump-Tailed Macaque


Local contacts: 


Dr. Jiang Xuelong




Prof. Wang Yingxiang




32 Jiaochang Donglu


Yunnan 650223

P.R. China


Other sites:


The Bradt Guide 100 Animals to See Before They Die (2007) offers Gaoligong, Wuliang, and Ailao Mountain Nature Reserves, all in Yunnan Provinces. But notes a sighting is unlikey.


In Vietnam:

Che Tao forests Che Tao commune, Mu Cang Chai district, Yen Bai Province;

Nam Pam, Hua Trai and Ngoc Chien communes, Muong La District, Son La Province;

Khoen On commune, Than Uyen district, Lao Cai Province


The Gibbon Experience in Bokeo Nature Reserve, Laos, offers a chance, too. You're at least likely to hear them.









Garbutt, Nick and Mick Unwin. 2007. 100 Animals to See Before They Die. Bradt Guides: Bucks, England.





Chenu, Jean Charles. Encyclopédie d'histoire naturelle : ou traité complet de cette science d'après les travaux des naturalistes les plus éminents de tous les pays et de toutes les époques (Buffon, Daubenton, Lacépède, G. Cuvier, F. Cuvier, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Latreille, de Jussieu, Brongniart, etc., etc.) Quadrumanes. Paris : Marescq [and] Gustave Havard. Public Domain.


Accessed via The Nash Collection of Primates in Art and IllustrationPrimate Center Library: Arts Collection. Local identifier: PCLArts.PCLA0179.bib




Page Last Updated: 2 February 2014

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