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Tamarin | Saguinus


Golden-handed Tamarin | S. midas


Squirrel Monkey | Saimiri


South American Squirrel Monkey | S. sciureus


Capuchin Monkeys | Cebus & Sapajus


Guianan Weeper Capuchin | C. olivaceus

Guianan Brown Capuchin | S. apella


Sakis | Chiropotes & Pithecia


Guianan Bearded Saki | C. sagulatus

White-faced Saki | P. pithecia


Howler Monkey | Alouatta


Guianan Red Howler | A. macconnelli 


Spider Monkey | Ateles


Guianan Spider Monkey | A. paniscus




This site remains a work in progress. Links are in blue

Content by Andie Ang unless otherwise stated

All images are protected under copyright to their respective photographers

© 2014-2023 | Andie Ang


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